Never Miss A Call

set up your call alerts with style and color

Introducing POP-a breakthrough in VRS that enhances your room lighting and ensures that you never miss a call!
POP is a fully customizable LED light bulb, capable of producing millions of colors.

When someone calls your ZP number, ZP sends a signal to your POP to flash so you know you have a call.
Set your own mood by choosing your preferred color as a room light. You can also pick a separate call notification color so that you know the call is just for you.

The best part is, full control is at your fingertips with the Pop management tool built right into your ZP mobile app

Thumbnail of a video shows a couple in an embrace, looking at the sunset on a balcony outside of a living room.

Color Your World - Watch Video

Thumbnail of a video shows a black and white image of a hand screwing in a lightbulb on a lamp. To the right is a hashtag that reads “#ColorYourWorld”.

A POP Story - Watch Video

A video thumbnail of two images. On the left is a black and white image of a man in a black tee and short black hair, with his hands around a floating light orb. The second image shows a white man with brown hair and a long beard, wearing a blue polo top and yellow glasses, looking entertained by a light bulb in his hand. At the bottom, in white text, is the word “Cool!”.

A POP Story, Part 2 - Watch Video

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